Part 29 Lab 5A: Univariate pivoting

Copy this code into your script to import the data for this lab.

lotr  <- read_csv("") |> 
  rename(Species = Race)

29.1 Exercise 1: Univariate Pivoting

Consider the Lord of the Rings data:

  1. Would you say this data is in tidy format?

  2. Widen the data so that we see the words spoken by each species, by putting species as its own column.

(lotr_wide <- lotr |> 
  pivot_wider(FILL_THIS_IN = c(Film, Gender), 
              FILL_THIS_IN = Species, 
              FILL_THIS_IN = Words))
  1. Re-lengthen the wide LOTR data from Question 2 above.
lotr_wide |> 
  pivot_longer(FILL_THIS_IN = FILL_THIS_IN, 
               names_to  = FILL_THIS_IN, 
               values_to = FILL_THIS_IN)