Part 28 Pivoting data

The task of making tidy data is about making data either longer, by stacking two or more rows, or wider, by putting one or more columns alongside each other based on groups. This is called pivoting.

Usually the task of tidying data involves lengthening, and usually the task of widening is useful for turning data into something more friendly for human eyes.

Sometimes, you will see data described as being in “long” or “wide” formats. Those terms aren’t that useful—“long” and “wide” are relative terms.

The easiest and most powerful way to widen or lengthen data are with the functions tidyr::pivot_wider() and tidyr::pivot_longer().

History: R has seen many attempts at reshaping that have progressively gotten better.

First came the reshape and reshape2 packages.

  • Both were finicky.
  • Used function names that I could never remember: melt() and cast().

Then, tidyr package replaced these.

  • The tidyr::spread() and tidyr::gather() functions provided a simple interface.
  • I still couldn’t remember these names.

We will use tidyr::pivot_longer() and tidyr::pivot_wider().

The “pivot” functions also have similar names to the SQL “PIVOT” and “UNPIVOT” functions.

28.1 Univariate pivoting

Let’s start with pivoting in the simplest case where only one variable is “out of place”. We’ll use the hair and eye color example from before, using the untidy data version from Example 1:

haireye_untidy <- haireye |> 
  mutate(eye = str_c(eye, "_eyed")) |> 
  pivot_wider(id_cols = hair, names_from = eye, values_from = n)


The eye color variable is spread out across columns. To fix this, we need to convert the eye color columns to two columns:

  • one column to hold the eye color (column names),
  • one column to hold the values.

Doing this, we obtain:

Let’s dig into that!

28.1.1 pivot_longer()

pivot_longer() takes a data frame, and returns a data frame.

The main arguments after the data argument that we’ll need are:

  • cols: the columns we want to pivot into a single column. Give the column names
  • names_to: the old column names are going to be stored in a new column. What should this new column be named?
  • values_to: the values in the old columns are going to stored in a new column. What should this new column be named?

Possibly the trickiest bit is in identifying the column names. We could list all of them:

haireye_untidy |> 
  pivot_longer(cols      = c(Blue_eyed, Brown_eyed, Green_eyed, Hazel_eyed),
               names_to  = "eye",
               values_to = "n")

That can be a little tedious.

We could identify a range. This is efficient, but not so robust if the data changes.

haireye_untidy |> 
  pivot_longer(cols      = Blue_eyed:Hazel_eyed,
               names_to  = "eye",
               values_to = "n")

Better is to use helper functions from the tidyselect package. In this case, we know the columns contain the text “eyed”, so let’s use tidyselect::contains():

haireye_untidy |> 
  pivot_longer(cols      = contains("eyed"),
               names_to  = "eye",
               values_to = "n")

Yet another way is to indicate everything except the hair column:

haireye_untidy |> 
  pivot_longer(cols      = -hair,
               names_to  = "eye",
               values_to = "n")

28.1.2 pivot_wider()

Let’s say we want go from a longer data frame to a shorter data frame. This is the opposite of what we did above.

We might want to do this:

  • To make a table for presentation
  • With longitudinal or family data, to to go from multilevel models (which need longer data; each row is an observation) to SEM analyses (which need wider data; each row is an individual or family)

For example, if we want to go from:


We need to:

  • Take the column eye and make each unique entry a new column
  • Take the column n and make these values in the new eye columns.

pivot_wider() is the reverse of pivot_longer().

Like pivot_longer(), pivot_wider() takes a data frame and returns a data frame. The main arguments after the data argument that we’ll need are:

  • id_cols: The columns you would like to keep in place. By default, everything except the ones in names_from and values_from. For example, the identifier number for the observation.
  • names_from: The new column names are coming from an old column. Which column is this?
  • values_from: The column values are coming from an old column. Which column is this?
haireye |> 
  pivot_wider(id_cols     = hair, 
              names_from  = eye, 
              values_from = n)