Part 19 Selecting and sorting data frames

19.1 Learning Objectives

Here are the concepts we’ll be exploring in this lesson:

  • tidyverse
  • dplyr functions:
    • select()
    • arrange()
  • piping

By the end of this lesson, students are expected to be able to:

  • subset and rearrange data with dplyr
  • use piping (|>) when implementing function chains

19.2 Preamble

Let’s talk about:

  • The history of dplyr: plyr
    • Don’t use both in one script!
    • My recommendation, don’t use plyr at all at this point.
  • tibbles are a special type of data frame
  • The tidyverse
  • Package functions and masking
    • Load the tidyverse package: library(tidyverse)

19.3 Demonstration

Let’s get started with an exercise:

  1. Download this Rmd worksheet.
  2. Save it to your class GitHub repo with a name like exercise-dplyr.Rmd.
  3. Open the worksheet in RStudio.
  4. Follow along in the .Rmd file until the Back to Guide section.