Part 20 The pipe advantage

20.1 Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will:

  • Have a sense of why dplyr is advantageous compared to the “base R” way with respect to good coding practice.


  • Having this in the back of your mind will help you identify qualities of and produce a readable analysis.

20.2 Compare nested functions to pipe chains

Self-documenting code.

This is where the tidyverse shines.

Example of dplyr vs base R:

gapminder[gapminder$country == "Cambodia", c("year", "lifeExp")]


gapminder |>
  filter(country == "Cambodia") |>
  select(year, lifeExp)

Morning Routine Pipie

20.3 The workflow:

  1. Wrangle your data with dplyr first
    • Separate steps with |>
  2. Pipe |> your data into a plot/analysis

20.4 Basic principles:

  1. Do one thing at a time
  • Transform variables OR select variables OR filter cases
  1. Chain multiple operations together using the pipe |>
  2. Use readable object and variable names
  3. Subset a dataset (i.e., select variables) by name, not by “magic numbers”
  4. Note that you need to use the assignment operator <- to store changes!

20.5 Tangent: Base R workflow

We are jumping right into the tidyverse way of doing things in R, instead of the base R way of doing things. Our first week was about “just enough” base R to get you started. If you feel that you want more practice here, take a look at the R intro stat videos by MarinStatsLectures.